Saturday, 5 March 2011


Homophobia- the worst disease
You can't love who you want to love in times like these
Homophobia- the worst disease
Love how you want to love and love who you please
Homophobia: Chumbawamba

It's been an interesting evening.  I went out with some people from work as a bit of a goodbye evening.  It was really nice, but it's amazing how homophobic some of these people are.  Devote catholic's but really homophobic so we had a long conversation about it.  Once again I was asked if I was gay, to which I gave my normal response.  I will fall in love with whom I fall in love with be it male or female, it doesn't really bother me.  Well one lass jaw dropped to the floor, you could see her saying it was a sin.  Her whole attitude changed.  I can't believe just how bigoted some catholic's can be... then I thought about this for a bit longer and actually the catholic church is unbelievably prejudice and not just to the homosexual community.... all sort of things.  It made me question why I'm still a catholic. 

I believe in God, I believe he wants the best for us all.  I believe that we are all put on this planet to love one another, to be kind to each other and most of all to help each other to live a better and easier life.  So why does religion seem to make this so hard.  People base their prejudice on their faiths, and yes I do appreciate this is just an excuse for what's already there, but why don't religions actually help with this.  They just add fuel to the fire.  If the Catholic church were to come out and say that although it doesn't agree with the sexual act between to gay men (and it's just men, not the woman), they should say that homosexuals are still welcome into the church and can still be apart of the catholic community.  Jesus invited all into the arms, he loved everyone and helped everyone.  So why can't people do that.... christians seem to be the worst at living what they like to preach. 

I know I'm not perfect, I know that I get it wrong, I know I hurt people when I don't mean to, I know that I can be intolerant at times, I know I can be really impatient with people, but I know I try.  There are so many 'religious' people out there who although say are full of 'the Love of Christ' are actually full of hate.  I taints the faith, it taints all they touch...... It makes me really wonder why I still bother with religion.  I should just study the bible by myself, I should love God, pray and learn things myself but not bother with the whole organised religion.

I'm so confused... and full of pain.

1 comment:

  1. "... they should say that homosexuals are still welcome into the church and can still be a part of the catholic community." I strongly suspect that this is actually the official RC teaching - assuming you mean the general Roman Catholic community, rather than monastic communities which are more complicated.

    You may belong to a branch of the church that is awfully keen on labelling all kinds of things 'sins', but there are not many that will get you banned from your church. We all sin, so we're all in it together, seems to be the official take.

    The trouble with churches, really, is that they're full of people: messed up, mixed up people who are too easily tempted to follow the ways of the world rather than the more challenging way of Jesus.

    The strength of churches is that we function best in groups, with other people. In principle, church is where we find other people with similar values and goals, with whom we can make a difference in the world.

    One approach is to try to find a small group of like-minded people who can walk the way together, supporting one another, challenging one another, praying together and reading the Bible together.

    Entire churches tend to be too big, to old, too conservative, too inflexible, whatever; a smaller group (whether from within one church, across churches, or even independent of organised religion) can be more responsive, more flexible and more alive.
