The Catholic Church would find itself more favourable postion if it would stop concentrating on the superifcial side of the faith (such as bells, smells, pomp and circumstance), stop hating anything thats different or outside of its timy tunnel vision brain, and actually went into the community and supported and love it. At the moment the church sits behind its walls and pretends that the real world means nothing to them. Perhaps we should remind them that the Lord wants us to love our neighbour as we love urselves, and that we are meant to be sevents as well as leaders. The old boys club sitting in luxuary in Rome, really should out and spend a year or three in the real world, not in a parish but actually in the community where they can serve. Then once they've been in the real world they explain why its okay to say woman are only good for traditinal female role and why those of the same sex can not get married, and why is it the chrch believes that its a homosexual couple will ruin the sanctaty of marriage. Marriage was ruined years a go, dont blame the homosexuals, blame the hetrosexuals who have forgotten what it means to be in a loving relationship.
Im beginning to get to the point where, I love God, he is amazing and does great things, but organise religion is ruining everything because they are driven by the wrong things, power and money rather than love and compassion.
Just saying.......